





    江森JOHNSON压力控制器 上海优价供应
    发布者:fangfeng  发布时间:2017-03-23 10:18:57  访问次数:189

    M130AGA-1 Johnson modulating motor 2-possition spring return
    M130GGA-3 Johnson modulating motor VDS/MA 24VAC
    M130JGA-1 Johnson modulating motor proportional spring return
    M130XGA-1 Johnson modulating motor 50 inch lb no-card
    M150JGA-1 Johnson modulating motor non-spring return
    M150XGA-1 Johnson modulating motor non-spring return 150"# nocard
    M9104-AGS-2N Johnson actuator/transmitter for VAV applications
    M9106-AGA-2N02 Johnson actuator 2 minute 1/2" direct coupled
    M9220-HGA-3 Johnson actuator 140"# proportional 0-10VDC / 0-20ma zero-span
    MS-BACEOL-0 Johnson end-of-line terminator module RS485
    MS-N301310-701 Johnson repaired supervisory control base with N2 field bus
    N-1001-1 Johnson economizer logic network
    NS-BTB7003-0 Johnson Network Room Sensor, Display, Temp Adj.
    NS-BTF7002-0 Johnson Network Room Module Temp Sensor, Setpoint Dial
    NS-BTN7003-0 Johnson Network Room Module Temp Sensor
    NS-DTN7083-0 Johnson Network Duct Sensor 8 inch Probe
    P100AP-201C Johnson low pressure control auto-reset 10-32 PSI R410A
    P100AP-332C Johnson fan cycling control 300-400 PSI R410A
    P100AP-3C Johnson fan cycling control set at 225# open fall at 150#
    P100AP-4C Johnson fan cycling control set at 250# open fall at 170#
    P100DA-81C Johnson high pressure control manual reset 630 PSI R410A
    P10BC-7C Johnson pressure control 3-20 PSIG
    P10BG-3C Johnson pressure control 2-20# close differential
    P10PA-11C Johnson pressure control 3-20# 3-stage
    P145NCA-12C Johnson lube oil control 120-second for Copeland 1/4" male flare
    P170CA-3C Johnson dual pressure control 50/450, 60/150# ranges
    P170LB-6C Johnson dual pressure control 12"-80#, 100-425# ranges
    P20DB-1C Johnson high pressure control 100-450# manual reset open hi
    P20EB-1C Johnson pressure control refrigeration 7-150# SPDT
    P20EB-2C Johnson pressure control refrigeration 100-425# SPDT
    P266ACA-100C Johnson fan speed control single phase adjustable start voltage % 208-240V
    P266BCA-100C Johnson fan speed control single phase adjustable start voltage % 440-475V
    P266SNR-1C Johnson electonic pressure transducer 0-508PSI 1/4" SAE FF 6.6' cable
    P266SNR-2C Johnson electonic pressure transducer 0-754PSI 1/4" SAE FF 6.6' cable
    P29NC-2C Johnson low press control 20"-100# SPST with time delay
    P32AC-2C Johnson pressure switch SPDT range .05-5"WC sensitivity 0.04
    P32AF-1C Johnson pressure switch SPDT range .05/5"WC sensitivity 0.025
    P352AB-2C Johnson pressure control SPDT 0-100 PSIG System350
    P352PN-2C Johnson pressure control 0-100 PSI 5-50# throttling
    P352PN-3C Johnson pressure control 90-250 PSI 10-100# throttling
    P352PQ-1C Johnson pressure control module .5-5" WC
    P352PQ-2C Johnson pressure control module .025-.25" WC
    P400AD-1C Johnson diff pressure switch Carlyle
    P45NCA-12C Johnson lube oil control 120-second for Copeland
    P45NCA-82C Johnson lube oil control mechancial for Carlyle
    P470EB-1C Johnson pressure control 0-100, 0-500, 50-750PSI selectable
    P499RAP-101C Johnson pressure transducer 0-100 PSI 1/8" NPTM connection
    P499RCP-101C Johnson pressure transducer 0-100 PSI 1/4" SAE
    P499RCP-105C Johnson pressure transducer 0-500 PSI 1/4" SAE
    P66AAB-1C Johnson fan speed control 190-250# start voltage: 10%
    P66AAB-9C Johnson fan speed control 170-230# start voltage: 40%
    P66ABB-21C Johnson fan speed control 140-350# start voltage: 16%
    P66BAB-1C Johnson fan speed control 190-250# start volt: 10% dual
    P67CA-1C Johnson pressure control 3-30# range open-on-rise
    P70AA-118C Johnson fan cycling control 100-400# 36" cap tube
    P70AA-119C Johnson ammonia press control 50 to 300 PSIG
    P70AB-12C Johnson low pressure control 12"-80# opens low
    P70AB-2C Johnson lo pressure control 20"-100# opens low
    P70CA-1C Johnson high pressure control 20"-100# opens high
    P70CA-3C Johnson high pressure control 50-450# opens high
    P70DA-1C Johnson high pressure control 50-450# open high manual reset
    P70LB-1C Johnson dual pressure control 20"-100# both auto reset
    P70LB-6C Johnson dual press control 12"-80# both auto reset
    P70MA-1C Johnson dual press control 20"-100# auto lo, manual high
    P72AA-27C Johnson fan cycling control 100-400# DPST
    P74EA-8C Johnson diff pressure control 2-26# range 36" cap tube
    P74FA-1C Johnson diff press control 8-60# range 1/4" flare connect
    P74FA-5C Johnson diff press control 8-60# range 1/4" FNPT connect
    PLT344-1R Johnson clamp set for dinrail
    R-130-15 Johnson 3/8" air pressure regulator
    R-2080-1 Johnson relay booster pneumatic
    R-3710-2005 Johnson reduced coupling .005" pneumatic applications
    R-3710-2007 Johnson restrictor .007" pneumatic applications
    R-3710-3007 Johnson 1/4" barb restrictor tee .007" pneumatic appl
    R81GAA-2 Johnson circuit board card 0-12VDC/MA
    R81JAA-1 Johnson circuit board card potentiometer / 0-2VDC
    S350AA-1C Johnson stage module adder for System350
    S350CC-1C Johnson slave stage adder for System350
    S350PQ-1C Johnson stage adder 0-20ma or 0-10VDC for System350
    S351AA-1C Johnson stage adder 2/10% humidity for System350
    S352AA-2C Johnson stage adder 10/60 PSI for System350
    S353AA-1C Johnson stage module R353 for System350
    S91DJ-1  Johnson auxillary switch 1-SPDT for M100 series
    SD-01  Johnson pneumatic surge dampener (Modus)
    SEC99AB-36C Johnson UltraCap 36" armored cap 1/4 SAE str. X 90 deg. with schrader depressor
    SEN-600-1 Johnson remote sensor 10K sensor only for TEC2100
    SEN-600-4 Johnson remote sensor 10K with override for TEC2100
    SEP91A-603R Johnson V46 power element for 1", 1-1/2", 1-1/4" valves
    STT14A-600R Johnson water valve renewal kit 3/8" seat repair V46-V47
    T22AAA-1C Johnson thermostat 40-90F range
    T22JAA-1C Johnson thermostat cooling 40-90F range
    T25A-1C  Johnson 2-stage stat 40-90F range
    T26S-18C Johnson line volt stat 40-90F range SPDT
    T-275-101 Johnson holder averaging element
    T-3610-1001 Johnson duct stat with 8' averaging element
    T-3610-1002 Johnson unit ventilator stat with 18" stem
    T-4000-119 Johnson stat calibration tool, blue plastic
    T-4000-2138 Johnson blank stat cover pneumatic
    T-4000-2139 Johnson thermostat cover pneumatic
    T-4000-2140 Johnson thermostat cover with F/C thermometer
    T-4000-2141 Johnson thermostat cover pneumatic
    T-4000-2142 Johnson thermostat cover with thermometer horizontal
    T-4000-2146 Johnson thermostat cover with thermometer vertical
    T-4000-3141 Johnson white stat cover horizontal
    T-4000-605 Johnson universal conversion kit
    T-4000-610 Johnson conversion kit plastic single temp
    T-4000-611 Johnson conversion kit dual temp, vertical/

    上海方丰实业有限公司QQ  1836736623   杨小姐
    Cell. +86 13391162570   (13391162570@126.COM)
    T. +86 (21) 57772570-806
    F. +86 (21) 57772570-808

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