P-6501-4007 008218特价现货福州天行健直销德国原装novotechnik船用电位器
Mechanical Data Dimensions see drawing Mounting with 3 clamps Z-1-31 Mechanical travel 360, continuous ° Permitted shaft loading (axial and radial) static or dynamic force 45 N Torque < 0.25 Ncm Maximum operational speed 10 000 min-1 Weight 80 g Electrical Data Actual electrical travel 2 x 178 ° Def. electrical range 2 x 100 (±50° to electrical center within electrical range) ° Available eresistance values 2.5 kΩ Resistance tolerance ±20 % Repeatability 0.002 ( 0.007°) % Temperature coefficient of the output-to-applied voltage ratio typ. 5 ppm/K Independent linarity ±0.1 (within the defined electrical range) % Max. permissible applied voltage 42 V Recommended operating wiper current < 1 μA Max. wiper current in case of malfunction 10 mA Insulation resistance (500 VDC, 1 bar, 2 s) > 100 M? Dielectric strength (50 Hz, 2 s, 1 bar, 500 VAC) < 500 μA Environmental Data Temperatue range -55 ...+100 °C Vibration 5...2000 Amax =0.75 amax =20 Hz mm g Shock 50 11 g ms Life > 50 x 106 rev. Protection class IP 40 (DIN 400 50 / IEC 529) Order designations Typ e P/N P-6501-4007 008218
CASAPPA 液压泵 HDP30.34D0-04S3-LMC/MB
haumea 减速箱 5710.EDR3120
WIKA 压力表 213.53.063 40MPa/bar G1/4B(径向)
WIKA 压力表 213.53.063 10MPA/barG1/4B(径向)
WIKA 压力表 213.53.063 40MPa/bar G1/4B(轴向不带边)
Sunhydraulics 插装阀 SCCALAN
walvoil(OLEOSTAR 减压阀 VRPRL 38/TB.S
TOGNELLA 节流阀 FT257/5-14
Brevetti stendalto 进给链 M309150 PG309H(25节2.5米
MISELLI 注油通气盖(填充呼吸器 GTR