MWA International Ltd. - Since 1970s, MWA have been focusing on the development and manufacture of Maintenance & Repair Electrodes, plus an extensive range of exotic Nickel & Cobalt based products. We have over 40 years experience working along side maintenance departments in all industries. With MWA Electrode distributors around the world, MWA continue to provide welding solutions to every type of industry. Our aim is always to save companies money, we do this by reducing down-time and increasing the life of worn parts. This guide will isolate some of the more common problem areas in general application across all the industry, (see list below). Using our specialist knowledge we are able to provide a solution, minimising wear and repair damaged parts and in doing so generate large cost savings for your company.
MWA公司 - 从上世纪70年代出,MWA就专注于维护与维修用焊条及特殊镍基和钴基合金焊条的研发生产,在众多行业有超过40年的焊接维护与维修应用经验。通过与世界各地的经销商合作持续为各种行业提供焊接解决方案。我们的目标始终是为公司节省资金,我们通过减少停机时间和延长磨损部件的使用寿命来实现这一目标。本文列出了通用行业常见部件的适用焊条(见下表)。利用我们的专业知识,我们能够提供有针对性的解决方案,尽可能的减少磨损,修复各种损坏部件,从而为客户节省大量成本。
No. |
Base Material 母材材质 |
Solution MWA产品 |
1 |
Cast Iron 铸铁 |
铸铁焊条Mac Cast E405 | A5.15 ENi-CI 铸铁焊条Mac Cast E407 | A5.15 ENiFe-CI 切割开槽焊条Mac Groove E71
2 |
Dissimilar Steels 异种钢 |
特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66 | A5.4 E312-17 特种钢焊条Mac Trode E630 | A5.4 E307-17 |
3 |
Duplex Alloys 双相合金 |
不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E122 | A5.4 E2209-16 不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E120 | A5.4 E2553-16 |
4 |
Super Duplex 超级双相合金 |
不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E124 | A5.4 E2595-16 不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E125 B | A5.4 E2594L-15 |
5 |
Inconels 因康镍合金
镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E203 | A5.11 ENiCrFe-3 (182) 镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213 | A5.11 ENiCrMo-3 (625) |
6 |
Monel 蒙乃尔合金 |
镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E207 | A5.11 ENiCu-7 (400) |
7 |
Hastalloy 哈氏合金 |
镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E214 | A5.11 ENiCrMo-4 (276) 镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E215 | A5.11 ENiCrMo-5 (C) |
8 |
Bronzes 铜合金 |
铜合金焊条Mac Bronze E808 | A5.6 ECuSn-C 铜合金焊条Mac Bronze E809 | A5.6 ECuSn-A (14% Tin) Bronze Type |
9 |
Austenitic Stainless 奥氏体不锈钢 |
不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E100 ELC | A5.4 E316L-17 不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E101 ELC | A5.4 E308L-17 不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E103 Mo | A5.4 E309LMo -17 不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E100 | A5.4 E318-17 |
10 |
Martensitic Stainless 马氏体不锈钢 |
特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6410 NM | A5.4 E410NiMo-16 特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6410 | A5.4 E410-16 特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6430 | A5.4 E430-16 特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6630 | A5.4 E630-16 |
11 |
Hard Facing 硬面耐磨 |
硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E301 | EN 14700 EZ Fe1 (37-40 HRC) 硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306 | EN 14700 E Fe14 (62-65 HRC) 硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E307 | EN 14700 E Fe16 (59-66 HRC) 硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E308 | 61-66 HRC |
12 |
“Stellites” 司太立 |
钴基焊条Mac HICA E3071 | A5.13 ECoCr-C (司太立1号) 钴基焊条Mac HICA E3072 | A5.13 ECoCr-A (司太立6号) 钴基焊条Mac HICA E3073 | A5.13 ECoCr-B (司太立12号) 钴基焊条Mac HICA E3074 | ECoCrFe-special (独有设计) 钴基焊条Mac HICA E3075 | A5.13 ECoCr-E (司太立21号) 钴基焊条Mac HICA E3076 | Stellite 司太立25号 |
13 |
Tool Steels 工具钢 |
工具钢焊条Mac Tool E3060 | 10%Cr 工具钢焊条Mac Tool E3064 | H13钢 工具钢焊条Mac Tool E3068 | H11钢 工具钢焊条Mac Tool E3062 | 高速钢 |
14 |
Super Austenitics 超级奥氏体 |
镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E222 | 25/35 Cr/Ni 镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E224 | 21/33 Cr/Ni 镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E225 | 35/45 Cr/Ni |
Team Work - We look upon ourselves as an extension to your maintenance department or workshop. We try to understand your needs and adapt ourselves accordingly. We hope that by working together we can help improve the performance of your maintenance department and ultimately save you money.
团队合作 - 我们将自己视为客户维护部门或车间的延伸。我们努力了解客户的需求,并相应地调整自己。我们希望通过共同努力,可以帮助客户提高维护部门的绩效,并最终为客户节省资金。
Multi-Skilled Fitters - During a recent survey in the U.S.A., it was discovered that over 50% of all weld failures were due to operator error. This is not to say that the operators were incompetent through any fault of their own; what it did highlight was that with the present, more cost effective trend towards multi-skilled fitters, the operator may not have the specialised knowledge needed to tackle the problem at hand.
多技能修理工 - 在美国最近的一次调查中,发现超过50%的焊接故障是由焊工出错造成的。这并不是说焊工因自身的任何过错而无能;它所强调的是,在目前多技能修理工更具成本效益的趋势下,传统焊工可能不具备解决手头问题所需的专业知识。
To help overcome these difficulties we offer 2 on site training courses. Both can be tailored to meet the individual requirements of your company to ensure maximum benefits are obtained.
1. Basic Manual Metal Arc - This course is run by a Lloyds qualified maintenance welder it is designed to improve the delegates basic welding techniques. It will ensure they gain confidence in their own ability and in turn improve their efficiency and productivity within the department. The main areas to be covered both practically and theoretically are as follows:
基本手动金属电弧焊 - 本课程由经验丰富的维护焊工(高级技师)负责,旨在提
(i) Striking the Electrode 引弧
(ii) Horizontal Welding (including length and angle of arc) 平焊(包括弧长和弧角)
(iii) Vertical Down Hand welding 垂直向下焊接
(iv) Types of welds 焊缝类型
(v) Types of joints 接头类型
(vi) Electrode Classification 焊材分类
(vii) Health & Safety Procedures 健康与安全程序
2. Applications and Basic Theory - This course is run by a qualified metallurgist. It is designed to increase the delegates knowledge of potential applications within your factory and how to perform them ensuring that cost savings are being made.
应用和基础理论 - 本课程由资深焊接专家负责。它旨在增加学员对工厂内潜在应用程序的了解,以及如何执行这些应用程序,以确保节约成本。
To ensure that delegates can relate all training to your own companies needs, both courses can be held at your company premises, usually lasting one or two full day. If requested both courses can be run simultaneously.