品牌:惠普 | 产地:美国 | 价格:0人民币/台 | 规格:HP8751A | 简要说明: 5 Hz to 500 MHz
±0.02 dB, ±0.12°dynamic accuracy
| | | | 详细介绍:5 Hz to 500 MHz
±0.02 dB, ±0.12°dynamic accuracy
0.001 Hz, 0.001 dB, 0.001 degree, 10 ps resolution
Full 2-port and interpolative calibration
Conjugate matching analysis
10 updates of 201 sweep points per second
0.4ms/point fast list sweep (IFBW = 4 kHz)
Up to 4 traces simultaneous measurement/display
Eight active trace markers per channel
Instrument BASIC for customization
List sweep for efficient measurement