详细介绍: OPTICAL HOLE INSPECTOR Shows magnified full 360° inside view of holes Allows instant detection of potentially costly drilling imperfections, spiraling, roughness, and burring Facilitates checking of PCB holes for plating voids, smoothness and solder flow Automatically focuses on contact with surface Low cost Requires no operator training Quick inspection of plated through boards IDEAL FOR QUICK VISUAL INSPECTION OF SMALL HOLES .
九棱镜,检孔镜,九孔镜Model OS-720、OS-720S的详细介绍: 九孔镜,又称九棱镜,检孔镜。广泛应用于电路板镀通孔孔内品质检查,是电路板厂品质部检测的必备检测仪器! 仪器产品参数: 放大倍数: 10 倍 九孔镜使用说明: 1 .拿出九孔镜,对准所要检查的电路板上孔位。紧贴电路板。 2 .在专用光桌上或者光线比较充足的地方。 3 .意不能摔,或震坏 . 此为精密光学仪器。 4 .用完毕请盖上上下两盖,避免灰尘侵入,不要随便檫拭镜头镜片