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LV162液位指示器 美国omega放大图片

产品价格:1   元(人民币)
发货地:深圳  (发货期:当天内发货)


价格:1人民币/件规格:LV162液位指示器 美国omega

简要说明:美国omega牌的LV162液位指示器 美国omega产品:估价:1,规格:LV162液位指示器 美国omega,产品系列编号:LV162液位指示器 美国omega



LV162液位指示器 美国omega

LV160 Series
Adjustable Versions for Various Tank Sizes 
Rugged Construction 
Standard 2" NPT Mounting
The LV160 Series high level indicators have a 2 NPT mounting, making them ideal for use in underground and aboveground storage tanks. When mounted vertically at the tank top, the unit reliably indicates high liquid level. The unit’s rugged construction and multiple design options make it adaptable for just about any environment. The indicator is available in brass or stainless steel, making it suitable for use with a wide range of liquids.
Adjustable versions are available for varying tank sizes. A special cinch nut on the mounting allows the stem to travel up or down to fine-tune actuation points. The extent of the adjustment depends on the unit’s length and distance from the mounting to the highest float stop. The LV160 Series is offered in integral 1 foot lengths. For other lengths, adaptor systems are available. They consist of 2 parts: the LVR-CBR coupling (2 x 2" FNPT) and an LVR-B pipe nipple (2 x 2" MNPT) of various lengths to change the insertion depth of the sensor. When using the adaptors, retaining clip pliers are required to remove the float for installation.
Wetted Materials:
    Stem and Mounting: Brass or 316 stainless steel
    Float: BUNA or 316 stainless steel
Operating Temperature: Brass w/BUNA: Water up to 82.2°C (180°F) Oil -40°C to 110°C (-40°F to 230°F). 316 SS -40°C to 148.9°C (-40°F to 300°F)
Pressure Limitations: Up to 150 psig for BUNA float units or when used with 316SS adaptors; up to 750 psig for 316SS float units.
Accuracy: ±1?8"
Switch Rating: 20 VA, 120-240 Vac pilot duty; 20 W, 50-240 Vdc resistive
Cable: 24" 2-Conductor PVC jacketed
Weight: 1? lbs + ? lb. per foot for indicators; 1? lbs for LVR-CB

LV161 Brass/BUNA Std Mount, 1 ft length
LV162 Brass/BUNA Std Mount, 2 ft length
LV163 Brass/BUNA Std Mount, 3 ft length
LV164 Brass/BUNA Std Mount, 4 ft length
LV165 Brass/BUNA Std Mount, 5 ft length
LV166 Brass/BUNA Std Mount, 6 ft length
LV161SS 316SS Std Mount, 1 ft length
LV162SS 316SS Std Mount, 2 ft length
LV163SS 316SS Std Mount, 3 ft length
LV164SS 316SS Std Mount, 4 ft length
LV165SS 316SS Std Mount, 5 ft length
LV166SS 316SS Std Mount, 6 ft length
LVR-CBR 125 lb. brass coupling with 2 x 2" FNPT
LVR-B4 125 lb. Brass Pipe Nipples, 2 5/8" Insertion Length Change
LVR-B5 125 lb. Brass Pipe Nipples, 3 5/8" Insertion Length Change
LVR-B6 125 lb. Brass Pipe Nipples, 4 5/8" Insertion Length Change
LVR-B7 125 lb. Brass Pipe Nipples, 5 5/8" Insertion Length Change
LVR-B9 125 lb. Brass Pipe Nipples, 7 5/8" Insertion Length Change
LVR-B11 125 lb. Brass Pipe Nipples, 9 5/8" Insertion Length Change
LVR-B13 125 lb. Brass Pipe Nipples, 11 5/8" Insertion Length Change

注释: Comes complete with operator’s manual.

LV162液位指示器 美国omega


LV155自检高液位指示器 美国omega

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