联系人:魏工 电话:15882174684
level-sensitive (ON = minutes/seconds, OFF = hours/minutes). When the Digital
Controller Programmer is powered-up, the initially-selected timebase will be
according to the level on this terminal at power-up.
NOTE: All re mote se lec tion/con trol func tions ex cept the Abort
func tion have prece dence over the cor re spond ing front panel
con trols. The “x60" func tion will also take prece dence over any
”Pre- set x60" pa rame ter set ting (see Op era tor Man ual, Sec tion 8).
2.3.7 Re lay Out puts
Out puts 1, 2 and 3: con tacts rated at 2A re sis tive at 120/240V AC.
End of Pro gram/Event out puts: con tacts rated at 5A re sis tive at 120/240V AC.
NOTE: With the TPSC Outputs, either Output 1 or Output 2 is switched
ON (to open or close the valve). However, under fault conditions,
both Output 1 and Output 2 relays could be switched ON
simultaneously. For afety purposes, an interlock can be included
which connects the supply to the motor via the “normally closed”
contacts on Output 1 and Output 2 relays (see Figure 2-7).
2.3.8 SSR Drive Out puts
These outputs produce a time-proportioned non-isolated DC signal (0 - 4.3V
nominal, output impedance 250 ohms).
2.3.9 DC Out puts
See Appendix B.
2.3.10 Event Out puts
These outputs are only available if the Event Output PCB is fitted and if the External
Option parameter in Configuration Mode (see Subsection 4.2 of this manual) is set
to either out or both. They are single pole single throw Normally Open relay
contacts. For the current segment of the currently-running/held program, these
outputs are in the states defined by the Event parameter (see Operator’s Manual,
Section 8) for that segment. 0 = open, 1 = closed.
2.3.11 RS485 Se rial Com mu ni ca tions Link
The “A” terminal (Terminal 17) on the Digital Controller Programmer should be
connected to the “A” terminal on the master device; the “B” terminal (Terminal 16)
on the Digital Controller Programmer should be connected to the “B” terminal on
the master device. Where several Digital Controller Programmers are connected
to one master port, the master port transceiver in the active state should be
capable of driving a load of 12kW per Digital Controller Programmer; the master
port transceiver in the passive state must have pull-up/pull-down resistors of
sufficiently low impedance to ensure that it remains in the quiescent state whilst
supplying up to æ100mA each to the Digital Controller Programmer transceivers in
the high impedance state.
CAUTION: Before removing the Digital Controller Programmer from
its housing, ensure that all power has been removed from the rear