联系人:魏工 电话:15882174684
This Read Only word parameter gives a bit map representing the current status of
the Event Output and Program Control Input ports. When it is interrogated, the
response is in a five-digit format which contains a decimal representation of an
eight-bit binary number whose bits have the following significance:
6-136.8 CURRENT SEGMENT EVENT STATUS Word Parameter 38
This read only word parameter returns the status of the four event outputs for the
currently-executed segment (as defined by Current Segment Number and
Current Program Number). It has six digits; the first two are 04 and each of the
remaining digits (Event 1 being represented by the left-most digit etc.) may be 1
(active) or 0 (inactive).
6.9 POWER FAIL RECOVERY Word Parameter 42
This word parameter defines the mode of recovery on restoration of power after a
power failure.
If Real Time Clock is not fitted: The decimal point position digit wil be set
to 0 and the remaining four digits will be set to either 0000 (Execute Cold
Start - entry into Base Mode with Program Number set as when power failed
and Segment Number blank) or 0001 (Execute Warm Start - program
resumed from point when power failed). Any attempt to set these digits to a
value outside this range will cause an exception response to be returned.
If Real Time Clock is fitted: The decimal point position digit will be set to 0
and the remaining four digits will be set to either 0000 (Execute Cold Start -
entry into Base Mode with Program Number set as when power failed and
Segment Number blank) or in the form hhmm (hh = hours, mm = minutes)
in the range 0001 to 4800 (Execute Warm Start if power is restored within
time specified, otherwise execute Cold Start). Any attempt to set these digits
to a value outside this range will cause an exception response to be
Gen eral
Maximum per Unit: One
Input Sample Rate: Four samples/second
Digital Input Filter: Time constant selectable from front panel -
0.0 (i.e. OFF), 0.5 to 100.0 seconds in
0.5-second increments.
Input Resolution: 14 bits approximately; always four times
better than display resolution.
Input Impedance: Greater than 100MW resistive (except for
DC mA and V inputs).
Isolation: Universal input isolated from all outputs
except SSR at 240V AC.
Process Variable Offset: Adjustable æinput span.
Ther mo cou ple
Ranges se lecta ble from front panel (default setting shown by *):