联系人:魏工 电话:15882174684
Process Low; PV-SP Deviation; Band; Control Loop; Rate Of Signal
Change; PV Signal Break; Aux. Input A or B Break.
Alarm n value w Alarm activation point. – applicable if type is High; Low; Deviation
(+ve above, -ve below SP), Band (above or below SP) or Rate of
Signal Change (a rate of more that x units per hour).
Process Alarm n
Deadband on “safe” side of alarm, through which signal must pass
before alarm deactivates.
Signal Change Alarm n
Minimum Duration
The minimum time that the rate of input change must be above the
alarm threshold for a Rate Of Change Alarm to change state (from on
to off, or off to on). Adjustable from 1 to 9999 secs. Caution: If the
duration is less than this time, the alarm will not activate no matter
how fast the rate of rise.
Alarm n Inhibit Enables or disables the prevention of initial alarm activation, if the
alarm condition is true at power up. Activation only occurs once the
alarm condition has passed and then reoccurred.
Loop Alarm Type Sets the source of the Loop Alarm Time. From: Automatic (2x the
Integral Time Constant) or Manual (the Manual Loop Alarm Time
value). If configured, a Loop Alarm activates if no response is seen
after this time.
Manual Loop Alarm
The time allowed after PID power output reaches minimum or
maximum), for process to begin responding.
Communications Configuration Sub-Menu
Table 13. Communications Configuration Sub-Menu Screens
Communications Configuration:
No Communications
If Communications Configuration menu is entered without a
communications module fitted.
Modbus RTU Parity w From: Odd; Even or None.
Modbus RTU Data Rate w From: 9600; 19200; 57600 or 115200 bps.
Master Mode, or Slave
w Slave address (1 to 255), or multi-zone Setpoint Master Mode.
Target Register In Slave Target register for Setpoint value in attached slave controllers.
Master Mode Format The data format required by the attached setpoint slaves. From:
Integer; integer with 1 decimal place or float.
Serial Communications
Write Enable