联系人:魏工 电话:15882174684
Profiler Menu:
General Profile Configuration: Settings that apply to all profiles
Profile Run/Hold
Selects the method used to Run or Hold a profile. From: Digital Input
A; Digital Input B or Key Pad Only (using the either the Profile
Control Menu or an Operation Mode screen).
Profile Abort
Selects the method used to force a profile to end prematurely. From:
Digital Input A; Digital Input B or Key Pad Only (using either the
Profile Control Menu or an Operation Mode screen).
Control In
Operation Mode
Enables/disables the ability to control profiles (run, hold or abort)
from Operation Mode.
Enable Edit While
Enables/disables the ability to edit profiles whist a profile is running
(even if selected, the current or next segment of the running profile
will not change until after the profile is restarted).
Create A Profile º Creates a new profile. A header is created first, followed by the
segments – see below. A warning is displayed if the maximum
number of 64 profiles or 255 segments is exceeded.
Profile Header: Settings that apply to the chosen profile as a whole
Enter Profile Name º Up to 16 characters can be used to name each profile
Profile Starting
º The setpoint value to be used at the beginning of the first segment.
From: Actual Setpoint or Process Variable value at the time the
profile starts.
Profile Start
º From: None (profile start is not delayed); After Delay or Day and
Time (Recorder version only).
Profile Start Time º The time (hh:mm:ss) when the profile should run. – This applies only
if Day and Time is the Profile Start Trigger. Caution: Take care not
to clash with other profiles. A Profile cannot start if another is
Profile Start Day(s) º The Day(s) when the profile should run. From: Mon; Tue; Wed; Thu;
Fri; Sat; Sun; Mon-Fri; Mon-Sat; Sat-Sun or All. – This applies only if
Day and Time is the Profile Start Trigger.
Profile Start Delay º The delay time, up to 99:59 (hh:mm), for a profile to begin after the