联系人:魏工 电话:15882174684
start request has been given.
Profile Recovery
º The power-on action if profile was running at power-down (e.g. after
a power cut), or following correction of a signal break. From: Control
outputs off; Restart profile from the beginning; Maintain last profile
setpoint; Use controller setpoint; Continue profile from where it was
when power failed.
Profile Recovery
º The Recovery Method is ignored (the profile continues from where
power failed), if power off for less than this time. Max 99:59
(hh:mm). - Recorder version only.
Profile Abort
º Action after profile has been forced to stop before its end. From:
Control outputs off; Maintain last profile setpoint or Use controller
Profile Cycles º The number of times the program should run each time it is started
(1-9999 or Infinite).
Profile Segment Details
Profile Segments: Settings that apply to individual profile segments
Segment Number º Shows the number of the profile segment being created from 1-255
Segment Type º Set the segment type from: Ramp Time (time to reach target SP);
Ramp Rate (rate of change towards target SP); Step (jump to target
SP), Dwell (keep current SP); Hold (hold the profile until released);
Loop (back to a previous segment); Join (join to another profile);
End (end the profile) or Repeat Sequence Then End (repeat a
sequence of joined profiles – of which this is the last). A Join, End or
Repeat Sequence Then End will become the last segment in the
Segment Target
º The setpoint value to be reached by the end of this segment, if the
segment type is Ramp Time, Ramp Rate or Step.
Segment Ramp
The time (hh:mm:ss) to reach the Segment Target Setpoint if the
segment type is Ramp Time.
Segment Ramp
º The rate of change towards the Segment Target Setpoint if the
segment type is Ramp Rate. The rate can be set from 0.001 to
9999.9 display units per hour.