联系人:魏工 电话:15882174684
Profile Segments: Settings that apply to individual profile segments
Segment Number º Shows the number of the profile segment being created from 1-255
Segment Type º Set the segment type from: Ramp Time (time to reach target SP);
Ramp Rate (rate of change towards target SP); Step (jump to target
SP), Dwell (keep current SP); Hold (hold the profile until released);
Loop (back to a previous segment); Join (join to another profile);
End (end the profile) or Repeat Sequence Then End (repeat a
sequence of joined profiles – of which this is the last). A Join, End or
Repeat Sequence Then End will become the last segment in the
Segment Target
º The setpoint value to be reached by the end of this segment, if the
segment type is Ramp Time, Ramp Rate or Step.
Segment Ramp
The time (hh:mm:ss) to reach the Segment Target Setpoint if the
segment type is Ramp Time.
Segment Ramp
º The rate of change towards the Segment Target Setpoint if the
segment type is Ramp Rate. The rate can be set from 0.001 to
9999.9 display units per hour.
Segment Dwell
º The time (hh:mm:ss) to maintain the current setpoint if the segment
type is Dwell.
Profile Header: Settings that apply to the chosen profile as a whole
Enter Profile Name º Up to 16 characters can be used to name each profile
Profile Starting
º The setpoint value to be used at the beginning of the first segment.
From: Actual Setpoint or Process Variable value at the time the
profile starts.
Profile Start
º From: None (profile start is not delayed); After Delay or Day and
Time (Recorder version only).
Profile Start Time º The time (hh:mm:ss) when the profile should run. – This applies only
if Day and Time is the Profile Start Trigger. Caution: Take care not
to clash with other profiles. A Profile cannot start if another is
Profile Start Day(s) º The Day(s) when the profile should run. From: Mon; Tue; Wed; Thu;