联系人:魏工 电话:15882174684
The rate of change towards the Segment Target Setpoint if the
segment type is Ramp Rate. The rate can be set from 0.001 to
9999.9 display units per hour.
Segment Dwell
º The time (hh:mm:ss) to maintain the current setpoint if the segment
type is Dwell.Profiler Control Menu
Table 21. Profiler Control Menu Screens
Ï Profiler Menu:
Profile Control If a profile is running, choose from: Do Nothing, Abort Profile (end
immediately); or Jump to Next Profile Segment, Hold Profile or
Release Hold.
If no profile is running, choose from: Do Nothing, Run Profile or End
Profile Control (Return to normal controller operation).
Select Active Profile Change the active profile. Choose from the list of profile names
provided. The active profile is the profile that will run, when a run
instruction is given (perhaps via a digital input).
Select A Profile To Run Choose the profile to run from the list of names provided. The profile
name and run status is then confirmed.
USB Menu
A Notification is shown if a USB Memory Stick is inserted or removed from the USB Port. The
USB Menu will automatically be offered after insertion. The USB menu can also be accessed
from the Main Menu. Refer to the USB Interface section for more details on the use of the
USB port option.
Table 22. USB Menu Screens
Ï USB Menu:
USB Mode Unlocking Enter correct code number to access USB Menu.
Read/Write To USB
Select the required action from: Read Instrument Configuration
(from USB stick); Write Instrument Configuration (to USB stick);
Read Profiles (from USB stick); Write Profiles (to USB stick) or Write
Recorder Log File (to USB stick).
Select Profile To
If writing a profile to the USB Memory Stick, choose a profile to write
from the list provided.
Enter A File or
Folder Name
Enter an 8-character folder name for recorder logs, or a file name
for configurations or profiles. An extension (bct for configurations,
.pfl for profiles) is added to files automatically. Caution: Existing
files/folders with the same name will be over-written.