在运行过程中,开关的某些部件是处于危险电压下。 某些部件处于SF6气压下。
六氟化硫(SF6)在纯净状态的是无色,无气味,无味道, 无毒和不可燃烧的气体,如氮气一般为情性气体。当呼 吸空气中含有足够量的氧气时,SF6是安全的。 SF6 对生 态系统不产生危害。
During operation, certain parts of the circuit-breaker are live and hazardous voltages therefore present. Certain parts are also under gas pressure (SF6)
In its pure state, sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) is a colour- less, odourless, tasteless, non-toxic and non-flamma- ble gas, inactive like nitrogen. SF6 is safe if there is adequate oxygen present in inhaled air. SF6 constitutes no danger to the ecosystem.
气体压力为0,3...0,5 bar/0,03...0,05 MPa/
4,5..7,5 psig。
工作人员必须完全熟悉本手册所呈述的安装,运行,维护, 及维修的程序和相关注意事项。
警 告
在不注意警告说明的情况下会造成死亡, 重伤以及巨大的财产损失和环境损害。
开关的用户必须负责,使安装人员.维修人员以及操作 人员熟悉必要的适用于相应的工作活动,以及在各自 的国家适用的安全规则和关于在可能的事故时所采取 的态度方面的说明规定,这些规定要随时可查阅,例如 通过招贴。
During transport and delivery the breaker poles are filed with SF6 gas at 0,3..0,5 bar/0,03...0,05 MPa/ 4,5..7,5 psig.
Personnel must be thoroughly familiar with all warnings and procedures for installation, operation,maintenance and repair contained in these operating instructions.
Non-observance of warnings can result in death, severe personal injury and substan- tial property and environment damage.
The customer/user of the circuit-breaker must ensure
that the installation, maintenance and relevant opera-
ting directives, local safety regulations and information
on what to do in the event of an accident are available or
displayed so that they can be referred to at any time.
除了考虑各自国家适用的安全规则以及操作规定的情况 下,请注意下列说明,预防措施和警告:
Additional to the safety rules valid in the country question, a few precautionary measures and points be noted are listed below:
-开关安装,运行和维修以及为了一般的安全所需的配 件(保护股,手动操作装置,警告标志牌,手电箱,灭火 器等)必须明显而小心保管在一的地点并定期检 查其完备性和良好状态,这也包括整套的安装手册。
-The accessory items required for installation, opera-
tion and maintenance of the circuit-breaker and for
reasons of safety (protective clothes, devices for man-
ual operation, warning signs, hand lamps, fire extin-
guishers etc.)must be stored neatly at a certain point
ing instructions.
-The specified maintenance inervals and the instruc- tions for repair and replacement must be adhered to,
92700048174 C 0-3
描述危险工作详细警告说明包括在操作手册的相关董节- Detailed waming references describing the secure
中。它通过加边框,粗体字或/和用别的方法突出其的文字。execution of dangerous work are included in the particular sections of the operating instructions. They are highlighted by frames, bold lettering and/or other
Warning in the sense of these operating instructions means that death, severe per- sonal injury or substantial property and environmental damage may occur if appro- priate safety measures are not taken.
Attention in the sense of these operating in- structions means that light personal injury or property/environmental damage may occur if appropriate safety measures are not taken.
This shall denote a possibly dangerous situa tion. If such a situation is not avoided, the circuit-breaker or anything in its vicinity can be damaged