江西省 基本用途
矿用电缆 本产品用于作煤矿井下监测、控制中低频传输线。 执行:企业参照采用MT818.14-1999 。 使用特性:电缆使用温度为-40℃~+50℃;在25℃时湿度为95%;电缆敷设温度≥-10℃;电缆敷设时的弯曲半径MHYVR和MHYBV≥10倍电缆外径,其余型号≥15倍电缆外径。 技术指标: 型 号 指 标 项目 MHYVP、MHYV32 MHYBV MHYVR、MHYVRP 1/1.38 1/1.00 7/0.30 7/0.37 7/0.43 7/0.52 20℃时导体直流电阻 Ω/km ≤45 ≤73 ≤37.8 ≤25.7 ≤19.0 ≤12.7 固有衰减(800~1000Hz) dB/km ≤1.10 ≤1.30 ≤1.0 ≤0.8 ≤0.65 ≤0.5 20℃时导线绝缘电阻 MΩ.km ≥3000 线对工作电容(800~1000Hz) μF/km ≤0.06 远端串间衰减(800~1000Hz) dB/km ≥70 电感(800~1000Hz) mH/km ≤800 试验电压 1.5Kv 1min 直流电阻差 ≤环阻的2% 型号和名称: 型 号 名 称 用 途 MHYV32(PUYV39、PUYV39-1) 矿用聚绝缘阻燃聚氯护套单层钢丝铠装井筒电缆 用于斜井或竖井中作主电缆 MHYVRP(PUYVRP) 矿用聚绝缘阻燃聚氯护套铜丝编织屏蔽软电缆 用于井下平巷或斜巷作电缆 MHYVP(PUYVP) 矿用聚绝缘阻燃聚氯护套铜丝编织屏蔽电缆 用于井下电磁较大的 MHYBV(PUYV31) 矿用聚绝缘阻燃聚氯护套单层镀锌钢丝编织铠装电缆 用于井下平巷作主电缆 MHYVR(PUYVR) 矿用聚绝缘阻燃聚氯护套软电缆 用于井下平巷或斜巷作电缆 规格表 规 格 电缆外径(mm) 规 格 电缆外径(mm) 对数×根数×导体直径 MHYV32 MHYVP 对数×根数×导体直径 MHYBV 1×2×1.38 - 11.0 1×2×1.0 11.4 1×4×1.38 16.0 12.0 1×4×1.0 12.3 3×2×1.38 19.8 16.0 3×2×1.0 15.3 4×2×1.38 22.4 18.0 4×2×1.0 16.2 5×2×1.38 26.6 19.0 5×2×1.0 17.2 6×2×1.38 27.4 21.0 6×2×1.0 19.3 8×2×1.38 28.8 22.0 8×2×1.0 20.2 10×2×1.38 32.5 26.0 10×2×1.0 22.6 规格表(续) 型 号 规 格 电缆外径(mm) 对数×根数 7/0.30 7/0.37 7/0.43 7/0.52 MHYVR MHYVRP 1×2 7.2 8.0 9.0 10.0 1×3 8.0 9.0 9.5 11.0 1×4 8.5 13.5 10.0 12.0 3×2 11.5 14.5 14.0 16.0 4×2 12.0 16.0 15.0 18.0 5×2 13.0 17.0 16.5 19.0 6×2 14.0 18.0 18.0 21.0 8×2 15.0 18.5 19.5 22.0 10×2 18.0 22.0 23.0 26.0 |
近事务会议,的监测站,将加快颗粒物的来源分析监测技术路线指导和能力建设,促进省级和地市级的提前条件源解析业务。今年1月,宣布监测站空气颗粒物源解析监测技术指南(试行)", the provisions of the ambient air particulate matter source involved in the ytical method of monitoring technology, among them, the air, unorganized emission and pollution to the environment exhaust particulate matter of antimony, aluminum, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silver, uranium, thorium, thallium, tin, zinc, bismuth, strontium, vanadium, lithium and other 24 kinds of elements was measured by the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry three methods;Of atmospheric particulate matter in the mercury, arsenic, selenium, bismuth, antimony and other five elements determined by the atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry;To NO3-4 kinds of the determination of anionic and Na + 5 kinds of cationic ion chromatography is adopted;Such as Na + 4 kinds of cationic atomic absorption spectrophotometry;For particulate matter elements in the determination of carbon and organic carbon adopted hot - light transmission method;Exhaust air, fixed source to the environment and unorganized emissions on the determination of 16 kinds of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in air particulate matter adopted liquid chromatography and gas chromatography - mass spectrometry;Of atmospheric particulate matter is the determination of alkanes adopted the method of gas chromatography - mass spectrometry instrument;The particles on the determination of water soluble organic carbon in the ultrasonic extraction method of total organic carbon yzer.因此,仪器信息网编辑,一旦颗粒物的来源分析监测技术路线和能力建设指导正式启动,将促进我国发行的省级监测站数量来源解析,这将的监测单位10以上类型的仪器及相关设备,相关试剂耗材采购需求。监测站、2014年监测任务的实施,加快终端技术创新和转型升级编辑器:刘yl型仪表