  • 规格:完善
  • 发货地:本地至全国
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1个
  • 免费会员















      任艳红 18135002626  E-mail:2120085434@qq.com                          

      代理品牌:韩国:SANG-A接头软管  YSC气动    TPC    AUTONICS  SANWO  PMC

      美国:霍尼韦尔(HONEYWELL  ROSS   MAC  ASCO  Clippard(克力帕)德国:宝德(BURKERT)、力士乐(BOSCH-REXROTH)、费斯托KTR联轴器  哈威(HAWEHBM日本:SMC、喜开理(CKD)、太阳铁工(TAIYO)、小金井(KOGANEI)英国:诺冠(NORGREN)、              

      法国:乐可利(LEGRIS)接头、软管、阀门等台湾:金器(MINDMAN)新恭(SHAKO)兴冶 中鼎FOTEKODE电磁阀`CAMOZZI康茂胜美国:A-B 低压、变频、软启、PLC等 美国GEBANNER MTS传感器 罗斯蒙特施耐德(TE、梅兰日兰、莫迪康)奥普士(OPTEX)光电开关`接近开关`光电放大器`光纤 竹中((TAKEX) 西门子(SIEMENS)、金钟-墨勒(MOELLER)、爱福门(IFM)施迈赛(SCHMERSAL) 图尔克(TURCK)、施克(SICK)巴鲁夫(BALLUFF)倍加福(P+FLeuze(劳易测) 威图(RITTAL)EBM风机 MURR穆尔NEGELE  E+H仪器仪表 日本:欧姆龙(OMRON)、和泉(IDEC)、三菱(MITSUBISHI)、富士(FUJI)山武(YAMATAKE)限位开关、调节器 `倍福(BECKHOFF`奥莎(IASTARHANYOUNG(韩荣)、KOINO(建兴)科瑞CONTRINEX  ELMA开关奥康(AUCOM瑞典:百通BENTONE 丹麦:格兰富(GRUNDFOS)水泵   荏原(EBAR弗兰德(FLENDER)电机减速机任艳红18135002626


      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N1-250-V-1P&
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N14-130-2AP&
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N38-130-2AP&
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N12-130-2AP&
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N34-250-2AP&
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N1-250-2AP4&
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N14-130-V-2&
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N38-130-V-2&
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N12-130-V-2&
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N34-250-V-2&
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N1-250-V-2A&
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N14-130-3AP&
      2025 Brb.hose fitt. C-3/8-P-9
      2026 Brb.hose fitt. C-1/2-P-13
      2027 Quick connector CK-1/8-PK-4
      2028 Quick connector CK-1/8-PK-6
      2029 Quick connector CK-1/4-PK-4
      2030 Quick connector CK-1/4-PK-6
      2031 Quick connector CK-1/4-PK-9
      2032 Quick connector CK-3/8-PK-6
      2033 Quick connector CK-3/8-PK-9
      2048 Elimit switch EL-318
      2050 Elimit switch ER-318
      2061 Rod coupler FK-M6
      2062 Rod coupler FK-M8
      2063 Rod coupler FK-M10
      2064 Rod coupler FK-M12
      2065 Rod coupler FK-M16
      2071 Safety guard FPH-121
      2075 T-distributor FR-1/2-I/I
      2076 T-distributor FR-3/4-I/I
      2077 Distrib.block FR-8-1/8
      2078 Distrib.block FR-8-1/4
      2092 Elbow G-1/2-I/I
      2093 Elbow G-3/4-I/I
      2094 Rotary distrib. GF-1/4
      2095 Rotary distrib. GF-3/8
      2101 1-way contr.val GR-1/4
      2103 1-way contr.val GR-3/4
      2105 Cover cap GRK-1/8
      2107 Hex nut GRM-1/8
      2109 F/control valve GRO-1/4
      2111 1-way contr.val GRR-1/2
      2136 Solenoid valve JMC-4-1/4
      2142 Qu.coupl.socket KD3-1/8-A
      2143 Qu.coupl.socket KD4-1/4-A
      2144 Qu.coupl.socket KD4-3/8-A
      2145 Qu.coupl.socket KD4-1/2-A
      2147 M/tube holder KK-4
      2148 M/tube holder KK-6
      2149 M/tube holder KK-9
      2150 Qu.coupl.plug KS4-CK-4
      2151 Qu.coupl.plug KS4-CK-6
      2152 Qu.coupl.plug KS4-N-6
      2153 Qu.coupl.plug KS4-N-9
      2154 Qu.coupl.plug KS4-1/4-A
      2155 Qu.coupl.plug KS4-3/8-A
      2186 Togg.lever val. LS-3-1/8
      2187 Solenoid valve MC-2-1/8
      2196 Solenoid valve MC -4-1/8 -SA
      2199 Solenoid valve MCH-3-1/8
      2200 Solenoid valve MCH-3-1/4
      2201 Solenoid valve MCH-4-1/4
      2203 Flex m. conduit MK-4
      2204 Flex m. conduit MK-6
      2210 Solenoid valve MOCH-3-1/4
      2211 Solenoid valve MOCH-3-1/8
      2212 Oil gun YD
      2223 Sealing ring O-1/8
      2224 Sealing ring O-1/4
      2225 Sealing ring O-3/8
      2226 Sealing ring O-1/2
      2227 Sealing ring O-3/4
      2231 Braided hose P-6-BL
      2232 Braided hose P-9-BL
      2234 Braided hose P-13-SW
      2235 Braided hose P-19-SW
      2236 Plastic tubing PL-4-NT
      2254 Sleeve QM-1/8-1/8
      2255 Sleeve QM-1/4-1/4
      2256 Sleeve QM-3/8-3/8
      2257 Sleeve QM-1/2-1/2
      2270 Roller lever v. ROS-3-1/8
      2272 Roller lever v. RS-3-1/8
      2280 Quick exh. val. SE-3/4
      2307 Silencer U-1/8
      2309 Silencer U-3/8
      2310 Silencer U-1/2
      2311 Silencer U-3/4
      2312 Silencer U-1
      2316 Silencer U-1/4
      2319 Stem act. valve V - 3- 1/4 -SA
      2334 Stem act. valve VS-3-1/8
      2335 Hollow bolt VT-1/4-3
      2336 Hollow bolt VT-3/8-3
      2339 H/slide valve W-3-1/8
      2340 H/slide valve W-3-1/4
      2341 H/slide valve W-3-3/8
      2342 H/slide valve W-3-1/2
      2367 Hyd. cush. cyl. YD-70
      2368 Hyd. cush. cyl. YD-140
      2369 Hyd. cush. cyl. YD-250
      2415 Round cylinder EG-6-25
      2416 Round cylinder EG-12-25
      2417 Round cylinder EG-12-40
      2418 Round cylinder EG-12-80
      2419 Round cylinder EG-16-25
      2420 Round cylinder EG-16-40
      2421 Round cylinder EG-16-80
      2456 Round cylinder DG-6-25
      2457 Round cylinder DG-6-40
      2458 Round cylinder DG-6-80
      2469 Round cylinder DGS-25-25
      2470 Round cylinder DGS-25-40
      2471 Round cylinder DGS-25-80
      2472 Round cylinder DGS-25-140
      2473 Round cylinder DGS-25-200
      2474 Round cylinder DGS-40-40
      2475 Round cylinder DGS-40-80
      2476 Round cylinder DGS-40-140
      2477 Round cylinder DGS-40-200
      2478 Round cylinder DGS-40-40-PPV
      2479 Round cylinder DGS-40-80-PPV
      2480 Round cylinder DGS-40-140-PPV
      2481 Round cylinder DGS-40-200-PPV
      2656 Round cylinder DGS-25- -S2
      2674 Rod clevis SG-M10
      2675 Rod clevis SG-M12
      2676 Rod clevis SG-M16
      2681 Foot mounting HB-12
      2682 Foot mounting HB-16
      2683 Foot mounting HB-25
      2684 Foot mounting HB-40
      2685 Flange mounting FB/VB-25
      2686 Flange mounting FB/VB-40
      2687 F/mounting, adj JB-12
      2688 F/mounting, adj JB-25
      2689 Clevis foot LB-25
      2949 Roller lever v. RS-4-1/8
      2950 Togg.lever val. LOS-3-1/8
      2952 Stem act. valve VOS-3-1/8
      2959 Distrib.block FR -4-1/8 -SA
      2960 Distrib.block FR-4-1/4
      2965 Union nut MCK-PK-4
      2966 Union nut MCK-PK-6
      2967 Union nut MCK-PK-9
      3099 Cap nut VTM-1/4
      3110 Rod clevis SG-M6
      3111 Rod clevis SG-M8
      3324 Non-ret. valve H-1/8-A/I
      3326 Qu.coupl.plug KS3-CK-4
      3339 Supply manifold FR -4-1/2 -SA
      3344 PE converter PE-1/8
      3394 Stem act. valve VS-4-1/8
      3416 Togg.lever val. LS-4-1/8
      3427 OR gate OS-1/2
      3429 Swivel mounting WB-25
      3434 Time delay val. VZA-3-1/4
      3464 Time delay val. VZOA-3-1/4
      3478 Qu.coupl.plug KS3-CK-6
      3488 Time delay val. VZB-3-1/4
      3489 Time delay val. VZOB-3-1/4
      3492 Qu.coupl.plug KS3-1/8-A
      3534 Pneu. feed unit BV-200-125-C
      3558 Elbow G-M5-A/I
      3559 Distributor FR-M5-A/I
      3560 Sleeve QM-M5-M5
      3561 Quick connector CK-M5-PK-3
      3562 Quick connector CK-M5-PK-4
      3563 Quick connector CK-1/8-PK-3
      3565 Sealing ring O-M5
      3568 Blanking plug B-1/8
      3569 Blanking plug B-1/4
      3570 Blanking plug B-3/8
      3571 Blanking plug B-1/2
      3572 Blanking plug B-3/4
      3573 Double nipple E-1/8-1/8
      3574 Double nipple E-1/8-1/4
      3575 Double nipple E-1/4-1/4
      3576 Double nipple E-1/4-3/8
      3577 Reducing nipple D-1/8I-1/4A
      3578 Double nipple E-3/8-3/8
      3579 Double nipple E-3/8-1/2
      3580 Double nipple E-1/2-1/2
      3581 Reducing nipple D-1/4I-3/8A
      3582 Double nipple E-1/2-3/4
      3583 Distributor FR-1/8-A/I
      3584 Double nipple E-3/4-3/4
      3585 Reducing nipple D-3/8I-1/2A
      3586 Distributor FR-1/4-A/I
      3587 Distributor FR-3/8-A/I
      3588 Reducing nipple D-1/2I-3/4A
      3589 Solenoid coil MSW-24AC
      3591 Solenoid coil MSW-110AC
      3592 Solenoid coil MSW-230AC
      3594 Solenoid coil MSW-42AC
      3595 Solenoid coil MSW- 48AC
      3596 Solenoid coil MSW-240AC
      3597 Solenoid coil MSW-380AC
      3598 Solenoid coil   MSG-12DC
      3599 Solenoid coil   MSG-24DC
      3601 Solenoid coil   MSG- 42DC
      3603 Solenoid coil   MSG-110DC
      3604 Solenoid coil   MSG-220DC
      3605 Brb.hose fitt.  N-1/8-P-6
      3606 Brb.hose fitt.  N-1/4-P-6
      3607 Brb.hose fitt.  N-1/4-P-9
      3608 Brb.hose fitt.  N-3/8-P-6
      3609 Brb.hose fitt.  N-3/8-P-9
      3610 Brb.hose fitt.  N-1/2-P-9
      3611 Brb.hose fitt.  N-1/2-P-13
      3612 Brb.hose fitt.  N-3/4-P-13
      3613 Brb.hose fitt.  N-3/4-P-19
      3614 Elbow           G-1/8-A/I
      3615 Elbow           G-1/4-A/I
      3616 Elbow           G-3/8-A/I
      3617 Round cylinder  EG-12-10
      3618 Round cylinder  EG-16-10
      3620 Round cylinder  DG-6-10
      3621 Round cylinder  EG-6-10
      3626 Stem act. valve V-3-M5
      3627 Pneumatic valve VL-3-M5
      3628 T.l.v.w.i.ret.  L-3-M5
      3629 Roller lever v. R-3-M5
      3633 1-way contr.val GG-1/4-3/8
      3634 1-way contr.val GGO-1/4-3/8
      3635 M/tube holder   KK-3
      3646 Pneu. feed unit BV-50-100
      3648 Robust palm val PV-3-1/8
      3649 Reflex sensor   RFL-4
      3656 Spiral wrap     PKB-50-BL
      3659 Round cylinder  DGS-25-300
      3660 Pushbutt. valve K-3-M5
      3670 Silencer        U-1/8-I
      3671 Non-ret. valve  H-M5
      3710 Quick connector ACK-3/8-PK-9
      3711 Quick connector ACK-3/8-PK-6
      3712 Quick connector ACK-1/4-PK-6
      3713 Quick connector ACK-1/4-PK-4
      3714 Quick connector ACK-1/8-PK-4
      3716 Amplif.actuator LSK-6000
      3717 Amplif.actuator VE-5
      3719 PE converter    PE-1000
      3720 1-way contr.val GR-1/2
      3721 Round cylinder  DGS-40-300
      3722 Round cylinder  DGS-40-300-PPV
      3737 Basic valve bdy LC-3-1/8
      3842 Reducing nipple D-M5I-1/8A
      3843 Blanking plug   B-M5
      3876 Whisker valve   FVS-3-1/8
      3877 Whisker valve   FVSO-3-1/8
      4025 Pulse oscillat. VLG-4-1/8
      4026 Pulse oscillat. VLG-4-1/4
      4028 Swivel mounting WB-40
      4031 Swiv/lever val. RW-3-M5
      4047 Qu.coupl.plug   KS3-CX-4
      4048 Qu.coupl.plug   KS4-CX-6
      4049 Qu.coupl.plug   KS4-CX-9
      4052 H/slide valve   W-3-3/4
      4087 Qu.coupl.socket KD2-M5-A
      4088 Qu.coupl.socket KD5-1/2-I
      4089 Qu.coupl.plug   KS5-N-13
      4090 Qu.coupl.plug   KS2-CK-4
      4091 Qu.coupl.plug   KS2-CK-3
      4093 Braided hose    PX-4
      4096 Qu.coupl.plug   KS5-CK-13
      4097 Quick connector CK-3/8-PK-13
      4098 Quick connector CK-1/2-PK-13
      4099 Quick connector ACK-1/2-PK-13
      4100 Lquick connect  LCK-1/2-PK-13
      4101 Tquick conn.    TCK-1/2-PK-13
      4125 Solenoid coil   MSW-110AC-60
      4126 Solenoid coil   MSW-220AC-60
      4131 Press.indicat.  OH-22-RT
      4132 Tubing support  PKS-4
      4133 Tubing support  PKS-6
      4134 Tubing support  PKS-9
      4136 Lquick connect  LCK-1/8-PK-3
      4137 Tquick conn.    TCK-1/8-PK-3
      4138 Double nipple   E-M5-1/8
      4139 Double nipple   E-M5-M5
      4203 Adj.pr.actuator UV
      4204 AND block       ZK-PK-3-6/3
      4214 Round cylinder  EG-25-80
      4226 Sleeve          QM-3/4-3/4
      4232 OR block        OS-PK-3-6/3
      4233 Pneumatic valve VL/O-3-PK-3
      4237 Press.indicat.  OH-22-GN
      4245 Pneumatic valve VL/O-3-PK-3X2
      4436 Pneumatic valve A-5-1/4
      4439 Gap sensor      SFL-6
      4446 Barbed fitting  N-M5-PK-3
      4447 Solenoid valve  JMFH-5-PK-3
      4448 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-PK-3
      4450 Solenoid valve  MFH-3-M5
      4451 H/slide valve   W-3-M5
      4452 Pushbutt. valve F-3-M5
      4463 M/tube holder   KK-13
      4466 Silencer        U-40 F
      4468 Lquick connect  LCK-M5-PK-3
      4469 Lquick connect  LCK-1/8-PK-4
      4470 Lquick connect  LCK-1/8-PK-6
      4471 Lquick connect  LCK-1/4-PK-4
      4472 Lquick connect  LCK-1/4-PK-6
      4473 Lquick connect  LCK-3/8-PK-6
      4474 Lquick connect  LCK-3/8-PK-9
      4475 Ring piece      LK-M5-PK-3
      4476 Ring piece      LK-1/8-PK-4
      4477 Ring piece      LK-1/8-PK-6
      4478 Ring piece      LK-1/4-PK-4
      4479 Ring piece      LK-1/4-PK-6
      4480 Ring piece      LK-3/8-PK-6
      4484 Tquick conn.    TCK-M5-PK-3
      4485 Tquick conn.    TCK-1/8-PK-4
      4486 Tquick conn.    TCK-1/8-PK-6
      4487 Tquick conn.    TCK-1/4-PK-4
      4488 Tquick conn.    TCK-1/4-PK-6
      4489 Tquick conn.    TCK-3/8-PK-6
      4490 Tquick conn.    TCK-3/8-PK-9
      4491 Ring piece      TK-M5-PK-3
      4492 Ring piece      TK-1/8-PK-4
      4493 Ring piece      TK-1/8-PK-6
      4494 Ring piece      TK-1/4-PK-4
      4495 Ring piece      TK-1/4-PK-6
      4496 Ring piece      TK-3/8-PK-6
      4498 Back pres. stop SD-3
      4499 Brb.tub. conn.  RTU-PK-3/4
      4500 Safety guard    FH
      4503 Pneumatic valve J-5-PK-3
      4504 Pneumatic valve VL-5-PK-3
      4522 Solenoid valve  BMFH-2-3-M5
      4523 Solenoid valve  BMFH-3-3-M5
      4525 Distrib.block   FR-12-M5
      4526 Solenoid coil   MSFG-12
      4527 Solenoid coil   MSFG-24/42-50/60
      4529 Solenoid coil   MSFG-42
      4530 Solenoid coil   MSFG-48
      4531 Solenoid coil   MSFG-96/110
      4533 Solenoid coil   MSFW-12-50/60
      4534 Solenoid coil   MSFW-24-50/60
      4537 Solenoid coil   MSFW-48-50/60
      4540 Solenoid coil   MSFW-230-50/60
      4543 Solenoid valve  MOFH-3-M5
      4556 Solenoid valve  JMF-4-1/8
      4562 Lquick connect  LCK-M5-PK-4
      4563 Tquick conn.    TCK-M5-PK-4
      4565 1-way contr.val GRF-PK-3
      4566 1-way contr.val GRF-PK-3X2
      4573 Solenoid valve  MFH-2-M5
      4574 Pneumatic valve VL-5/4-1/4
      4576 Solenoid valve  MC-5/4-1/4
      4577 Togg.lever val. H-5/3-1/4
      4578 Pushbutt. valve T-5/3-1/4
      4579 F/cont-silencer GRU-1/4
      4588 Inscript.label  BZ-1-22
      4589 Inscript.label  BZ-2-22
      4590 Inscript.label  BZ-3-22
      4591 Inscript.label  BZ-4-22
      4593 Hollow bolt     VT-1/8-2-PK-3
      4594 Hollow bolt     VT-M5-3
      4595 Hollow bolt     VT-1/8-3-PK-3
      4596 Hollow bolt     VT-1/8-3
      4597 Ring piece      LK-1/8-PK-3
      4598 Ring piece      TK-1/8-PK-3
      4600 Press.indicat.  OH-22-BL
      4601 Press.indicat.  OH-22-GE
      4606 Bin.reduct.val. VLL-5-PK-3
      4612 Solenoid valve  MF-4-1/8
      4616 Quick exh. val. SEU-1/8
      4645 Silencer        U-M5
      4646 Silencer        U-PK-3
      4650 Pneu. feed unit BV-200-350-C
      4676 Round cylinder  DGS-25-100
      4680 Round cylinder  DGS-40-100
      4681 Round cylinder  DGS-40-100-PPV
      4690 Basic valve bdy LC-5/4-1/4
      4789 Swiv/lever rod  ASS-02
      4801 Solenoid valve  MLC-8-3/8-B
      4802 Pneumatic valve VL-8-3/8-B
      4805 Brb.tub. conn.  RTU-PK-3/3
      4806 Brb.tub. conn.  RTU-PK-4/4
      4861 Solenoid valve  MC-5/4-1/2
      4869 F/cont-silencer GRU-1/2
      4901 Pneumatic valve JD-5-PK-3
      4902 Barbed fitting  N-M5-PK-4
      4903 Mounting plate  MPL-04
      4920 Togg.lever val. H-5/3-1/2
      4921 Round cylinder  EG-25-10
      4922 Round cylinder  EG-25-25
      4923 Round cylinder  EG-25-40
      4932 Silencer        U-PK-4
      4933 Round cylinder  DGS-12-    -P
      4934 Round cylinder  DGS-12-    -P-S2
      4935 Round cylinder  DGS-16-    -P
      4936 Roller lever    AR-01
      4937 Swiv/lever val. RW/O-3-1/8
      4938 Stem act. valve V/O-3-1/8
      4941 One-way rol.lev AL-01
      4945 Elbow fitting   LJK-1/8
      4946 Elbow fitting   LJK-1/4
      4947 Elbow fitting   LJK-3/8
      4948 Elbow fitting   LJK-1/2
      4949 T-fitting       TJK-1/8
      4950 T-fitting       TJK-1/4
      4951 T-fitting       TJK-3/8
      4952 T-fitting       TJK-1/2
      4953 Solen. actuator MKC-030-3-...
      4954 Solen. actuator MKF-022-3-...
      4955 Solen. actuator MKC-032-3
      5032 Standard cyl.   DSN-8-    -P
      5033 Standard cyl.   DSN-8-10-P
      5034 Standard cyl.   DSN-8-25-P
      5035 Standard cyl.   DSN-8-40-P
      5036 Standard cyl.   DSN-8-50-P
      5037 Standard cyl.   DSN-8-80-P
      5038 Standard cyl.   DSN-8-100-P
      5039 Standard cyl.   DSN-10-    -P
      5040 Standard cyl.   DSN-10-10-P
      5041 Standard cyl.   DSN-10-25-P
      5042 Standard cyl.   DSN-10-40-P
      5043 Standard cyl.   DSN-10-50-P
      5044 Standard cyl.   DSN-10-80-P
      5045 Standard cyl.   DSN-10-100-P
      5046 Standard cyl.   DSN-12-    -P
      5047 Standard cyl.   DSN-12-10-P
      5048 Standard cyl.   DSN-12-25-P
      5049 Standard cyl.   DSN-12-40-P
      5050 Standard cyl.   DSN-12-50-P
      5051 Standard cyl.   DSN-12-80-P
      5052 Standard cyl.   DSN-12-100-P
      5053 Standard cyl.   DSN-12-160-P
      5054 Standard cyl.   DSN-12-200-P
      5055 Standard cyl.   DSN-16-    -P
      5056 Standard cyl.   DSN-16-10-P
      5057 Standard cyl.   DSN-16-25-P
      5058 Standard cyl.   DSN-16-40-P
      5059 Standard cyl.   DSN-16-50-P
      5060 Standard cyl.   DSN-16-80-P
      5061 Standard cyl.   DSN-16-100-P
      5062 Standard cyl.   DSN-16-160-P
      5063 Standard cyl.   DSN-16-200-P
      5064 Standard cyl.   DSN-20-    -P
      5065 Standard cyl.   DSN-20-10-P
      5066 Standard cyl.   DSN-20-25-P
      5067 Standard cyl.   DSN-20-40-P
      5068 Standard cyl.   DSN-20-50-P
      5069 Standard cyl.   DSN-20-80-P
      5070 Standard cyl.   DSN-20-100-P
      5071 Standard cyl.   DSN-20-160-P
      5072 Standard cyl.   DSN-20-200-P
      5073 Standard cyl.   DSN-20-300-P
      5074 Standard cyl.   DSN-25-    -P
      5075 Standard cyl.   DSN-25-10-P
      5076 Standard cyl.   DSN-25-25-P
      5077 Standard cyl.   DSN-25-40-P
      5078 Standard cyl.   DSN-25-50-P
      5079 Standard cyl.   DSN-25-80-P
      5080 Standard cyl.   DSN-25-100-P
      5081 Standard cyl.   DSN-25-160-P
      5082 Standard cyl.   DSN-25-200-P
      5083 Standard cyl.   DSN-25-300-P
      5086 Standard cyl.   ESN-8-10-P
      5087 Standard cyl.   ESN-8-25-P
      5088 Standard cyl.   ESN-8-50-P
      5089 Standard cyl.   ESN-10-10-P
      5090 Standard cyl.   ESN-10-25-P
      5091 Standard cyl.   ESN-10-50-P
      5092 Standard cyl.   ESN-12-10-P
      5093 Standard cyl.   ESN-12-25-P
      5094 Standard cyl.   ESN-12-50-P
      5095 Standard cyl.   ESN-16-10-P
      5096 Standard cyl.   ESN-16-25-P
      5097 Standard cyl.   ESN-16-50-P
      5098 Standard cyl.   ESN-20-10-P
      5099 Standard cyl.   ESN-20-25-P
      5100 Standard cyl.   ESN-20-50-P
      5101 Standard cyl.   ESN-25-10-P
      5102 Standard cyl.   ESN-25-25-P
      5103 Standard cyl.   ESN-25-50-P
      5123 Foot mounting   HBN-8/10X1
      5124 Foot mounting   HBN-8/10X2
      5125 Foot mounting   HBN-12/16X1
      5126 Foot mounting   HBN-12/16X2
      5127 Foot mounting   HBN-20/25X1
      5128 Foot mounting   HBN-20/25X2
      5129 Flange mounting FBN-8/10
      5130 Flange mounting FBN-12/16
      5131 Flange mounting FBN-20/25
      5147 Clevis foot     LN-32
      5148 Clevis foot     LN-40
      5149 Clevis foot     LN-50
      5150 Clevis foot     LN-63
      5151 Clevis foot     LN-80
      5152 Clevis foot     LN-100
      5561 Clevis foot     LSN-32
      5562 Clevis foot     LSN-40
      5563 Clevis foot     LSN-50
      5564 Clevis foot     LSN-63
      5565 Clevis foot     LSN-80
      5566 Clevis foot     LSN-100
      5664 Quick connector ACK-1/8-PK-3
      5670 Isolating disc  CSC-1/4
      5671 Pneumatic valve CJ -5/2-1/4-DK       -SA
      5673 Solenoid plate  CPM-1/4-FH
      5731 Plastic tubing  PU-3-SW-SA
      5732 Plastic tubing  PU-3-BL-SA
      5734 Pneumatic valve CL-5/2-1/4
      5736 Pneumatic valve CJ-5/2-1/4
      5750 Basic valve     C-5/2-1/4
      5751 Seal            CD-1/4-1
      5752 Seal            CD-1/4-2
      5753 Seal            CD-1/4-3
      5754 Time delay val. VZO-3-PK-3
      5755 Time delay val. VZ-3-PK-3
      5763 Blanking plug   B-1
      5787 Push-in fitting CS -M5-PK-3          -SA
      5801 Sub-base        CAS-1/2
      5802 Sub-base        CAU-1/2
      5811 Basic valve     C-5/2-1/2
      5813 Pneumatic valve CL-5/2-1/2
      5815 Pneumatic valve CJ-5/2-1/2
      5829 Sub-base        CAB-1/4
      5830 Sub-base        CAS-1/4
      5831 Sub-base        CAU-1/4
      5835 Swivel lever, s ASK-02
      5836 Swivel lever, l ASL-02
      5838 Swivel lever, s ASK-03
      5839 Swivel lever, l ASL-03
      5840 Swiv/lever rod  ASS-03
      5851 Cover plate     CPL-1/4
      5854 Solenoid plate  CPM-1/2-CH
      5855 Cover plate     CPL-1/2
      5865 Round cylinder  DGS-25-10
      5866 Pneum. terminal LT-2-PK-3-DA
      5869 Pneum. terminal LT-2-PK-4-DA
      5870 Supply manifold PAL-1/8-1/4-2
      5871 Supply manifold PAL-1/8-1/4-3
      5872 Supply manifold PAL-1/8-1/4-4
      5873 Supply manifold PAL-1/8-1/4-5
      5874 Supply manifold PAL-1/8-1/4-6
      5922 Isolating disc  NSC-1/4
      5928 Hollow bolt     VT-1/8-1
      5955 Solenoid valve  CJM-5/2-1/4-CH
      5960 Solenoid valve  CM-5/2-1/4-CH
      6057 Clevis foot     LBN-8/10
      6058 Clevis foot     LBN-12/16
      6059 Clevis foot     LBN-20/25
      6060 Foot mounting   HBN-8/10X1-A
      6061 Foot mounting   HBN-8/10X2-A
      6062 Foot mounting   HBN-12/16X1-A
      6063 Foot mounting   HBN-12/16X2-A
      6064 Foot mounting   HBN-20/25X1-A
      6065 Foot mounting   HBN-20/25X2-A
      6112 Solenoid valve  CJM-5/2-1/2-CH
      6117 Solenoid valve  CM-5/2-1/2-CH
      6138 Seal            CD-1/4-4
      6140 Rod coupler     FK-M10X1,25
      6141 Rod coupler     FK-M12X1,25
      6142 Rod coupler     FK-M16X1,5
      6143 Rod coupler     FK-M20X1,5
      6144 Rod clevis      SG-M10X1,25
      6145 Rod clevis      SG-M12X1,25
      6146 Rod clevis      SG-M16X1,5
      6147 Rod clevis      SG-M20X1,5
      6154 Solenoid valve  CM-5/2-1/4-FH
      6159 Solenoid valve  CJM-5/2-1/4-FH
      6201 Bin.reduct.val. VLL-3-M5-B
      6205 Solenoid plate  CPM-1/2-FH
      6208 Stop sig.gener  SDV-3
      6211 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/4
      6213 Sealing cap     CV-PK-3-B
      6214 Sealing cap     CV-PK-4-B
      6215 Sealing cap     CV-PK-6-B
      6216 Sealing cap     CV-PK-9-B
      6217 PE converter    PE-1/8-1N
      6223 Solenoid valve  CM-5/2-1/2-FH
      6228 Solenoid valve  CJM-5/2-1/2-FH
      6253 Quick connector CK-1/8-PK-3-KU
      6254 Quick connector CK-1/8-PK-4-KU
      6255 Quick connector CK-1/8-PK-6-KU
      6256 Quick connector CK-1/4-PK-4-KU
      6257 Quick connector CK-1/4-PK-6-KU
      6258 Quick connector CK-1/4-PK-9-KU
      6259 Lquick connect  LCK-1/8-PK-4-KU
      6260 Lquick connect  LCK-1/8-PK-6-KU
      6261 Lquick connect  LCK-1/4-PK-4-KU
      6262 Lquick connect  LCK-1/4-PK-6-KU
      6263 Tquick conn.    TCK-1/8-PK-4-KU
      6264 Tquick conn.    TCK-1/8-PK-6-KU
      6265 Tquick conn.    TCK-1/4-PK-4-KU
      6266 Tquick conn.    TCK-1/4-PK-6-KU
      6267 Lquick connect  GCK-1/8-PK-4-KU
      6268 Lquick connect  GCK-1/8-PK-6-KU
      6269 Lquick connect  GCK-1/4-PK-4-KU
      6270 Lquick connect  GCK-1/4-PK-6-KU
      6271 Lquick connect  GCK-3/8-PK-6-KU
      6272 Lquick connect  GCK-3/8-PK-9-KU
      6273 T-distributor   FCK-3-PK-3-KU
      6274 T-distributor   FCK-3-PK-4-KU
      6275 T-distributor   FCK-3-PK-6-KU
      6276 T-distributor   FCK-3-PK-9-KU
      6280 Ring piece      LK-1/8-PK-4-KU
      6281 Ring piece      LK-1/8-PK-6-KU
      6282 Ring piece      LK-1/4-PK-4-KU
      6283 Ring piece      LK-1/4-PK-6-KU
      6284 Ring piece      TK-1/8-PK-4-KU
      6285 Ring piece      TK-1/8-PK-6-KU
      6286 Ring piece      TK-1/4-PK-4-KU
      6287 Ring piece      TK-1/4-PK-6-KU
      6308 1-way contr.val GR-3/8-B
      6309 Cover cap       GRK-3/8-B
      6385 Round cylinder  EGS- 25-  25 Z       -SA
      6411 Distrib.block   FR-8-1/2
      6420 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/2
      6436 Cover cap       GRK-M5
      6444 Hex nut         GRM-M5
      6460 Quick connector CK-3/8-PK-6-KU
      6468 Quick connector CK-3/8-PK-9-KU
      6484 PE converter    PE-1/8-1N-SW
      6509 1-way contr.val GRA-1/4-B
      6512 Roller lever    AR-05
      6513 One-way rol.lev AL-05
      6523 Rod clevis      SGA-M12
      6524 Rod clevis      SGA-M16
      6527 Inscript.label  BZ-6-22
      6528 Rod coupler     FK-M4
      6532 Rod clevis      SG-M4
      6680 AND gate        ZK-1/8-B
      6681 OR gate         OS-1/8-B
      6682 OR gate         OS-1/4-B
      6684 OR gate         OS-PK-3
      6685 AND gate        ZK-PK-3
      6686 Solenoid valve  BMCH-2-3-1/8
      6687 Solenoid valve  BMCH-3-3-1/8
      6701 Distrib.block   FR-4-1/8-B
      6703 Distrib.block   FR-4-3/8-B
      6704 Distrib.block   FR-4-1/2-B
      6705 Solenoid valve  MUFH-3-PK-3
      6720 Solenoid coil   MSFW-110-50/60
      6741 Tubing strap    PB-140
      6742 Tubing strap    PB-172
      6743 Tubing strap    PB-378
      6748 Sealing sleeve  TAD-S
      6753 Quick exh. val. SEU-1/4
      6755 Quick exh. val. SEU-3/8
      6756 DIN mtg. rail   NRC-32-2000
      6758 Fing.lever val. TH-3-M5
      6772 Mountng bracket NRW-12/3
      6808 Stem act. valve V-3-1/4-B
      6809 Stem act. valve V-5-1/4-B
      6817 F/panel valve   SV-3-M5
      6822 Quick exh. val. SEU-1/2
      6837 Ball valve      QH-1 1/2
      6841 Silencer        U-1/8-B
      6842 Silencer        U-1/4-B
      6843 Silencer        U-3/8-B
      6844 Silencer        U-1/2-B
      6845 Silencer        U-3/4-B
      6847 Distributor     LTV-2-PK-3
      6848 Distributor     LTV-2-PK-4
      6849 Distr.endpiece  LTE-1/4-DA
      6851 Connect.Comp.   NRV-1N
      6852 Connect.Comp.   NRV-2N
      6890 Vacuum gener.   VAK-1/4
      6987 Clevis foot     LSN-125
      6988 Clevis foot     LSN-160
      6989 Clevis foot     LSN-200
      6990 Clevis foot     LSN-250
      6991 Clevis foot     LSN-320
      6997 Solenoid valve  MCH-5-1/2
      7050 Mic.refl.sensor RML-5
      7088 Sub-base        APL-1N/H-PK-3
      7098 Press.amplifier VL-3-4-H-20
      7134 Plastic tubing  PCN-4-NT
      7147 Protect.conduit MKV-PG-36
      7148 Protect.conduit MKV-PG-48
      7169 Pressure gauge  MA-63-0,25
      7199 Selector switch HW-6-38
      7214 Terminal plug   KSV-PCN-4
      7215 Terminal plug   KSV-PK-3
      7216 Terminal plug   KSV-PK-4
      7222 Circular scale  HWF-6-38
      7267 Brb.t-connector T-PK-3
      7268 Brbd.v-connect. V-PK-3
      7269 Brbd Y-connect. Y-PK-3
      7334 Fing.lever val. H-4/3-M5
      7347 Micro switch    S-3-E
      7399 Captive nut     NRM-M6
      7404 Protect.conduit MKV-PG-13,5
      7411 Lock nut        MKVM-PG-13,5
      7413 Lock nut        MKVM-PG-36
      7414 Lock nut        MKVM-PG-48
      7421 AND module      ZK-2-R-M5
      7422 NOT module      VLO-R-M5
      7423 OR module       OS-2-R-M5
      7425 Amplif. module  VK-R-M5
      7442 Sender nozzle   SML-40-S
      7451 PE converter    PE-VK-5.1
      7454 Reflex sensor   RFL-15
      7455 Back pres. stop SD-2
      7456 Y-conn w restr  Y-PK-3-D
      7457 Back pres. stop SD-3-N
      7470 PE converter    PE-PK-4
      7471 PE converter    PE-PK-4-SW
      7473 Barbed L-conn.  L-PK-3
      7536 Sub-base        APL-2N/3H-M5
      7549 Protect.conduit MKV-PG-21
      7550 Protect.conduit MKV-PG-29
      7557 Multi-plug      KSV-5
      7558 Multi-plug      KSV-8
      7559 Multi-plug      KSV-16-B
      7560 Multi-plug      KSV-32-B
      7562 Multi-socket    KDVF-5
      7563 Multi-socket    KDVF-8
      7564 Multi-socket    KDVF-16-B
      7565 Multi-socket    KDVF-32-B
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N38-130-3AP&
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N12-130-3AP&
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N34-250-3AP&
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N1-250-3AP4&
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N14-130-V-3&
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N38-130-V-3&
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N12-130-V-3&
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N34-250-V-3&
      Solenoid valve  VZWP-L-M22C-N1-250-V-3A&
      Hyg.but.fly val VZFA-C-4"-WW-V4-S4-E
      Hyg.but.fly val VZFA-S-4"-MM-V4-S4-E
      Hyg.but.fly val VZFA-S-4"-NN-V4-S4-E
      Hyg.but.fly val VZFA-S-4"-MN-V4-S4-E
      Hyg.but.fly val VZFA-C-4"-CC-V4-S4-E
      Hyg.but.fly val VZFA-C-4"-CW-V4-S4-E
      Safety System   TUERSTEUERUNG
      Adapter plate   TUERSTEUERUNG
      Control block   TUERSTEUERUNG
      Cylinder        E-32-15-P-S2-SA
      Round cylinder  E-25-20-P-SA
      1450741 Motor cable     NEBM-S1W9-E-    -Q5-LE6
      1450943 Motor cable     NEBM-S1W15-E-1.5-Q7-LE6
      1450944 Motor cable     NEBM-S1W15-E-2.5-Q7-LE6
      1450945 Motor cable     NEBM-S1W15-E-5-Q7-LE6
      1450946 Motor cable     NEBM-S1W15-E-7-Q7-LE6
      1450947 Motor cable     NEBM-S1W15-E-10-Q7-LE6
      1450948 Motor cable     NEBM-S1W15-E-    -Q7-LE6
      1451382 Stepper motor   EMMS-ST-28-L-SEB
      1451383 Stepper motor   EMMS-ST-28-L-SB
      1451384 Stepper motor   EMMS-ST-28-L-S
      1451407 Coupling        EAMC-67-62-24-24
      1451586 Encoder cable   NEBM-M12G8-E-1.5-LE8
      1451587 Encoder cable   NEBM-M12G8-E-2.5-LE8
      1451588 Encoder cable   NEBM-M12G8-E-5-LE8
      1451589 Encoder cable   NEBM-M12G8-E-7-LE8
      1451590 Encoder cable   NEBM-M12G8-E-10-LE8
      1451591 Encoder cable   NEBM-M12G8-E-    -LE8
      1451674 Encoder cable   NEBM-M12W8-E-1.5-LE8
      1451675 Encoder cable   NEBM-M12W8-E-2.5-LE8
      1451676 Encoder cable   NEBM-M12W8-E-5-LE8
      1451677 Encoder cable   NEBM-M12W8-E-7-LE8
      1451678 Encoder cable   NEBM-M12W8-E-10-LE8
      1451679 Encoder cable   NEBM-M12W8-E-    -LE8
      1451964 Coupling        EAMC-20-30-6-10
      1452093 Valve manifold  VUVG 10-FACH
      1452526 Tandem cylinder D-63-50-65-PPV-A-SA
      1452794 Coupling        EAMC-40-66-10-12
      1452798 Coupling        EAMC-40-66-11-14
      1452803 Coupling        EAMC-40-66-12-14
      1452809 Coupling        EAMC-40-66-14-20
      1453062 Coupling        EAMC-30-35-6-10
      1453063 Coupling        EAMC-30-35-8-14
      1453563 Multi-pin       FESTTEIL 11-FACH RUECKS&
      1453572 Multi-pin       LOSTEIL 11-FACH RUECKSC&
      1453860 Coupling        EAMD-25-22-10-10X12
      1453861 Coupling        EAMD-28-22-14-10X12
      1455041 Label holder    .
      1455074 Control block   .
      1455666 Coupling        EAMC-42-50-10-12
      1455671 Coupling        EAMC-42-50-12-14
      1455704 Solenoid valve  JMN1H-5/2-D-3 C-SA
      1456009 Round cylinder  ESEU-32-25-P-A-MA-S6-SA
      1456328 Bracket         HBN-32-SA
      1457445 Control unit    .
      1458876 Control block   VL/0-PK
      1459327 Accessories     DARQ-K-65-F05-S-S17-R1
      1459337 Clamping sleeve EAMH-86-14-C27.3-P
      1459342 Clamping sleeve EAMH-145-19-C34-P
      1459370 Accessories     DARQ-K-80-F05-S-S17-R1
      1459400 Accessories     DARQ-K-80F-F05-S-S17-R1
      1459464 Accessories     DARQ-K-100-F05-S-S17-R1
      1460856 Control block   INTEGRATION
      1461069 Clamp.  element EADT-E-U1-110
      1461797 Cylinder        D-90-SPA-150-SA
      1465263 Adapter kit     DHAA-G-Q5-20-B11-20
      1465675 B/fly valv unit VZSA-125-PP-16-N
      1465676 Butterfly valve VZSA-ML-100-16-N
      1465677 Butterfly valve VZSA-ML-50-16-N
      1465679 Butterfly valve VZSA-ML-80-16-N
      1465680 B/fly valv unit VZSA-100-PP-16-N
      1465681 Butterfly valve VZSA-ML-65-16-N
      1465683 B/fly valv unit VZSA-50-PP-16-N
      1465684 B/fly valv unit VZSA-80-PP-16-N
      1465685 B/fly valv unit VZSA-65-PP-16-N
      1465940 B/fly valv unit VZSA-150-PP-16-N
      1466360 Service combin. 1/4-D-MINI-KOMB
      1467462 Butterfly valve VZSA-ML-125-16-N
      1467524 Adapter kit     DHAA-G-G6-12-B11-16
      1467863 Service combin. 1/4-D-MINI-KOMB
      1468307 Adapter kit     DHAA-G-G6-20-B11-25
      1468949 Adapter kit     DHAA-G-Q5-25-B11-32
      1468974 Adapter kit     DHAA-G-Q5-25-E-B11-25
      1468980 Adapter kit     DHAA-G-Q5-25-E-B11-32
      1469698 Suction cup c.  VAS-10-M5-PUR-B
      1470330 Compact cyl.    ADVC-16-23-P-SA
      1471155 Profile cylind. DNC-100-    -A-S20-SA
      1471417 Control block   CS.1310738
      1471637 Adapter kit     DHAA-G-H2-25-B11-32
      1472239 Adapter kit     DHAA-G-H2-25-B11-40
      1473121 Valve manifold  7-FACH
      1474440 Controller-SET  CPX-SB-LT-WELD-SA
      1477510 Cylinder        D-140-SPA-150-SA
      1478095 VALVE TERMINAL  CPV10-ZWE-2MC3L-3WV1-CS
      1485102 Tie rod cyl.    DNGZK-160-    -SA
      1485215 Hyg.but.fly val VZFA-C-3"-CC-V4-S4-E
      1485216 Hyg.but.fly val VZFA-C-3"-WW-V4-S4-E
      1485217 Hyg.but.fly val VZFA-S-3"-MM-V4-S4-E
      1485218 Hyg.but.fly val VZFA-S-3"-NN-V4-S4-E
      1485219 Hyg.but.fly val VZFA-S-3"-MN-V4-S4-E
      1485220 Hyg.but.fly val VZFA-C-3"-CW-V4-S4-E
      1485673 Coupling        EAMC-56-58-19-19
      1485674 Coupling        EAMC-56-58-19-24
      1485796 Coupling        EAMC-67-62-24-32
      1487914 Round cylinder  DSNU-20-50-P-A-Q-SA
      1487922 Round cylinder  DSNU-20-80-P-A-Q-SA
      1487923 Round cylinder  DSNU-20-100-P-A-Q-SA
      1487924 Round cylinder  DSNU-20-125-P-A-Q-SA
      1487926 Round cylinder  DSNU-20-160-P-A-Q-SA
      1488114 Round cylinder  CRE-40-65-SA
      1489303 Valve manifold  4-FACH
      1489314 Valve manifold  3-FACH

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