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      【华韵总代理商】PMMA法国阿科玛 V040
      【华韵总代理商】PMMA法国阿科玛 V046
      【华韵总代理商】PMMA法国阿科玛 V060
      【华韵总代理商】PMMA法国阿科玛 V100
      【华韵总代理商】PMMA法国阿科玛 V150
      【华韵总代理商】PMMA法国阿科玛 V920
      【华韵总代理商】PMMA法国阿科玛 V044
      【华韵总代理商】PMMA法国阿科玛 V045
      【华韵总代理商】PMMA法国阿科玛 V825
      【华韵总代理商】PMMA法国阿科玛 V826
      【华韵总代理商】PMMA法国阿科玛 V920

      Introduction to the properties and uses of PMMA PLASTICS: Poly(methyl methacrylate) , PMMA is also called plexiglass. Acrylic. As the name suggests, it is famous for its good optical transparency. It not only has a very high light transmittance (92%) , and high mechanical strength. Light Weight, UV resistance and outdoor aging excellent electrical properties. PMMA is the lack of surface hardness, poor heat resistance, impact strength is not high, especially for notch impact sensitivity. The properties of the modified PMMA become more excellent. 1. PMMA has a lower density than glass: PMMA has a density of about 1,150-1,190 kg / M3, half that of glass 2400-2,800 kg / M3; 2. PMMA is light: PMMA density of 1.19 G / CM3, the same size of the material, only half the weight of ordinary glass, aluminum (a light metal)43% . 3. PMMA's mechanical strength is high: PMMA has a molecular weight of about 2 million, is a long chain of macromolecule, and the chain forming the molecules is very soft, so the strength of PMMA is relatively high, the tensile and impact resistance of glass is 7 ~ 18 times higher than that of ordinary glass. There is a type of polymethyl methacrylate that has been heated and stretched, in which the molecular segments are arranged in a very orderly manner, resulting in a significant increase in the toughness of the material. A nail is driven into the PLEXIGLASS, and even if the nail penetrates, no cracks are produced on the plexiglass. The perspex also does not break into pieces when it is broken. As a result, the stretch treated plexiglass can be used as a Bulletproof glass, as well as an airplane canopy. 4. PMMA has a low melting point: the melting point of PMMA is about 130 ° 140 °c 265 ° 285 F, which is much lower than the high temperature of about 1000 °C glass. 5. The transmittance of PMMA is higher 6. Visible Light: PMMA is currently the best transparent polymer materials, transmittance up to 92% , higher than the glass transmittance. Kill. Uv Light: Quartz can see through UV light, but it's expensive. Ordinary glass can see through 0.6% of UV light, but PMMA can see through 73% . PMMA CAN'T FILTER OUT UV light. Ultraviolet light will penetrate PMMA, some manufacturers in PMMA surface coating to increase its filtering effect and properties of ultraviolet light. On the other hand, PMMA is more stable than polycarbonate when exposed to ultraviolet light. INFRARED: PMMA allows less than 2800 NM wavelength through the infrared. Longer wavelengths of IR, less than 25,000 NM, are essentially blocked. There are special PMMA, can let a specific wavelength IR through, while blocking visible light, applied to remote control or thermal induction.

  • 0571-87774297