ULTRA-TOUGH PA66PA66 plastic processing technology folding injection pressure, usually in the range of 750 ~ 1250 Bar, depending on material and product design. Fold injection rate, high speed (for reinforced materials should be slightly lower). Runner and gate: The location of the gate is important because PA66 has a short setting time. Gate aperture should not be less than 0.5 * T (where t is the thickness of the plastic part) drying treatment: If the material is sealed before processing, then there is no need to dry. However, if the storage container is opened, drying at 85 °C in hot air is recommended. If the humidity is greater than 0.2% , vacuum drying at 105 °C for 12 hours is also required. Melting temperature: 260 ~ 290 °C. The product of glass additive is 275ー280 °C. The melting temperature should be avoided above 300 °C. Mold temperature: recommended 80 °C. Mold temperature will affect the degree of crystallinity, which will affect the physical properties of the product. For thin-walled plastic parts, if the mold temperature is lower than 40 °c, the crystallinity of the plastic parts will change with time. In order to maintain the geometric stability of the plastic parts, annealing treatment is needed. INJECTION PRESSURE: usually between 750 and 1250 BAR, depending on material and product design. INJECTION RATE: High (slightly lower for reinforced materials). Runner and gate: The location of the gate is important because PA66 has a short setting time. Gate aperture should not be less than 0.5 t (where t is the thickness of the plastic part) . If a hot runner is used, the gate should be smaller than a conventional runner because the hot runner helps prevent premature solidification of the material. If a submerged gate is used, the minimum diameter of the gate should be 0.75 mm. Typical uses PA66 is more widely used in the automotive industry, instrument housing and other products requiring impact resistance and high strength requirements. Crystalline polymer, transparent or opaque, in milky white form, having plasticity. Density 1.15 g/cm3. Melting Point 252 °C. EMBRITTLEMENT TEMPERATURE-30 °C. The thermal decomposition temperature is greater than 350 °C. Continuous heat resistance 80-120 °C, equilibrium water absorption 2.5% . Resistance to acid, Alkali, most of the inorganic salt solution, haloalkanes, hydrocarbons, esters, ketones and other corrosion